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Click POPUP Ads Plugins For Revive Adserver


Click POPUP Ads Plugins For Revive Adserver provides different manner to show popup ad to user which attract user and helpful to target right audience.

SKU: RP014 Category: Tags: , ,


In revive adserver, there is option available to deliver pop up ads on web pages, pop up ad will show once the page is loaded. Our Click POPUP Ads Plugins For Revive Adserver provides different manner to show popup ad to users which helpful to attract users and target right audience.

This plugins opens ad when the user clicks on anywhere in web page, from this user will get full focus on Popup Ad and also there is more chances to increase the click-through rate.

Browser compatibility checked, most of the browser this plugin will show popup ads from adserver. Also will works on mobile devices browsers too.
Also this plugin Overcome the exiting issue of frequency capping targeting for Popup Zones on revive adserver. You can set frequency capping target for this type of zones.

Settings :

  • Show POPUP ads once per page refresh :
    When the user comes to page and clicks on anywhere in the page, click popup ad will show. And then for next click ad will not show until user refresh the page once again. This setting very useful because of user may get bored or not interested to view popup ad every time of click happen on page.


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