Payout Management :
Payout Management Plugin is very useful for all Revive Ad server users those who are running ad network.
Default Revive Ad server doesn’t have option to manage Publisher payout.This plugin also help you to mange your publisher’s payout.
Administrator Feature :
This plugin was integrated with Paypal,Alert pay and also with Money Bookers and also with manual payment(Bank account).
Can able to set the share percentage for their publisher from the total revenue earned By them
Can able to set the minimum payout amount Request eligible for payout.That mean if we set this as $5,then if publisher earned more than or equal to $5 then only he can able to request payout .
Can able to change the publisher payout request page Enable/Disable whenever he need.
Can able to change the publisher Urgent payout request page Enable/Disable and commission fees whenever he need.
Can able to see the total pending payout request to pay and total amount he paid .Also he can able to search such things based on publisher.
If admin didn’t have sufficient amount then he can able to can cancel that payout request.After that cancelled request that requested amount was added into that corresponding publishers account.
Publisher features :
Publisher can able to request payout whenever he need.But Should he earn more than minimum payout.
If publisher already have one pending payout then he couldn’t send another one payout request.
Can able to see the total pending payout and total amount he earned .Also he can able to search based on month.